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For an entry in Russia a visa is required under all circumstances. For this two-coloured passport photos are required in the format 35 x 45 mm which may not be older than 6 months. The passport photo can be adapted with our passport photo generator quickly and simply to the right size. Up to a few exceptions the same biometric regulations apply as they are also valid in Switzerland for all identity card documents.

Because on the border no visas are issued, one must already take care before travel beginning. For this one turns to the Russian visa centres in Bern or Geneva. The documents must be submitted personally, in special cases, nevertheless, it is also possible by means of proxy and authority representative. Besides, citizens of third countries must add a copy of the stay approval of Switzerland to the documents.

The visa is timed in general (invitation, travel confirmation etc.) and entitles merely to the unique entry or crossing the border. Combined, if necessary, tourist trips in the surrounding countries require a double visa.

The visa application can be filled on the website of the Russian foreign ministry. Applications via mail are not treated!

Further details and demands are also found on the homepage of the Russian visa centre.

FDFA Travel Advice


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